The three-fold umbrella is a kind of rain gear. As the name implies, it is an umbrella that can be folded threefold, can be opened, and is easy to carry. It is a portable tool. The three-fold umbrella is compact, firm, durable, and can be used in both rain and shine. Because the normal umbrella has a long bracket and a large overall size, it is not convenient to bring it into some occasions. Therefore, people bend the umbrella frame three times, and the umbrella handle becomes retractable, so that it can be conveniently placed in the bag. Since most portable umbrellas are folded three times, they are called three-fold umbrellas.
The three-fold umbrella is a relatively moderate design, unassuming and low-key. In terms of texture and use, it is a relatively moderate design. The main advantages are: good quality, long service life, good sun and wind protection, moderate weight and moderate length. The whole is also moderate, which is a more popular and practical design concept.

Because the normal umbrella has a long frame and a large overall size, it is inconvenient to bring it into some occasions. Therefore, people bend the umbrella frame twice, and the umbrella handle becomes retractable, so that it can be conveniently placed in the bag.
Umbrellas with this fold are generally high-end parasols and foreign umbrellas. These two-fold umbrellas are generally more expensive. This is because their general skeleton design is stable, the fabrics are mostly embroidery, imported color tape, etc., plus the exquisite design and good workmanship, so the price is positioned in the middle and high end. The main advantages: the quality can't be said, the design is beautiful, it is convenient to carry, and the wind and sun protection effect is very good. Disadvantages: Slightly heavier than the 50% and 30% umbrellas.